My Values

My work is guided by three core beliefs:
Skills Are Like Muscles
My programs are interactive because change doesn’t happen on the sidelines. If you want to learn how to play a sport, you get on the field. The same is true of the skills for setting boundaries, delivering feedback, and leading through change: you have to do it in order to learn it. Like a muscle, every skill improves with practice.
Research Matters
At moments when we are vulnerable or challenged, research grounds us. My programs are grounded in research—my own and others’. My passion is taking a study few people have read and transforming it into an experience that improves people’s lives. I share what the experts have to say with audiences young and old.
Relationships Are Classrooms
Our most important relationships are where we practice the skills to express our needs, guide others, and live into our values. Connection nourishes us and advances our goals. I teach tools to navigate conflict, practice integrity in relationship, and face down the social pressure to sacrifice our strongest thoughts and feelings. To the best of my ability, I integrate anti-racist, culturally sensitive and intersectional lenses into my work.